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Membership Information and Benefits
  Membership Fee: $33 per year with auto-renew  discount (requires one renewal for this discount); $49 Standard manual renewal; $169 lifetime Membership (only TWO PER PAGE are available). The Standard Manual renewal Membership must be renewed anytime during your anniversary month, payable online only through PayPal processing for any type of credit or debit card or e-check.
Read the Membership Agreement HERE.
  Membership Dues include one full year of:  

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Your Profile with Online Information:

Link to your Website
Link to your email
Personal Photo or Logo
The cities you service
The installations (bases) you service
Your individual biography and/or philosophy ( About me )

Unlimited 24/7 access to the Members Page for:

Links to Military and Real Estate Sites: Direct links to resources such as Housing Allowances, Travel Regulations, Military Times, DOD, etc.

Membership Logo: Distinguish yourself from the crowd - use our logo on your business cards,  brochures, websites, etc. You will be immediately identified as a Military Relocation Specialist with membership in a professional organization.

Referral Form: Get it in writing with all the details to protect your commission and confirm terms. You may use our form or your own to insure the terms of your referral are clear and enforceable.

Sales and Discounts: Business cards, brochures, printing, signs, phone systems, computers, electronics & more GREAT PRICES on all the things you need. Enjoy savings with our group buying power. We find business products and services from reputable, established companies and bring the best rates and sales to our Members.

Member Newsletter: Get news about real estate and relocation plus the Featured Member Profile, Online Marketing Tips,  Special deals on real estate products and services The newsletters are concise with links for more information and written by a real estate broker with 35+ years experience in Military Relocation.

Organization Information:

We are a Network:  Webster's defines Networking as " the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically : the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business". In our case, we network to exchange referrals of home buyers or sellers (and renters) and develop relationships with other Members at exchange bases or within the same service branches.

Referrals are exchanged directly between Members: There is no barrier, either time or financial, between the agent receiving the referral and the agent sending the referral. Inquiries from potential buyers, sellers or renters contact the Member directly from the profile information. The organization's administration does not participate in any referral fees or slow down the referral process by requiring that the referral be filtered through a third party. We believe our Members are competent and therefore capable of exchanging referrals without third party supervision which would require funding and diminish the amount of commission available to the agents.  Without being involved in each referral or inquiry, we cannot track how many are being exchanged. Each Member is asked to send a minimum of one referral per year.

The Numbers:  Our Membership number averages about 700 with highs of 1000+ several times over the  last 20 years of operation. Since we are "by invitation only" we have to spend time locating and evaluating potential Members when we aren't providing support services to existing Members. Obviously, the more Members we have the more referrals will be generated.

Experience Counts:  We began in 2004 and were fully published online by 2005, making us one of the original online referral and relocation networks. Our founding broker was a member of nearly 20 relocation and referral organizations and was constantly frustrated by the out-of-date print member directories and lack of accurate information. Fast, easy to access connections were the vision and have now become the industry standard.
Go to the Join Page and sign up NOW  

For additional information email us at:  info@MilitaryReferrals.com
Army Relocation Services * Navy Relocation Services * Air Force Relocation Services * Marines Relocation Services  * Coast Guard Relocation Services * National Guard Relocation Services * Reserves Relocation Services

MilitaryReferrals.com is a division of The Real Estate Resource, a licensed real estate broker Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida
 Copyright 2004-25, Corbin Publications