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Relocation and Referral Tips
Whether you're new to the business or have been around as long as some of us "oldies but goodies" continuing education
is an absolute necessity in an industry which changes as constantly as real estate. 
  We offer our Members newsletters (resuming sometime this year) to provide a broad range of ideas and information. Some of these ideas are what we call "tried and true" or "the basics". They are as productive today as they were 30 years ago although we are probably using different means to implement them. Other information may be the latest concepts in technology or communications. But old or new it's important to keep improving your knowledge and skills and fine tuning your business.

We welcome any and all questions and comments and will include your contact information and credit on anything we use in our Member Publication

Thank you for your membership...and remember:  you don't get to the top by sitting on your bottom!
Best regards,
Mary E Van Blarcom
Executive Director,  MilitaryReferrals.org / .com
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1. Make contact with other Members at your exchange Base(s). Send them an introductory email to let them know you're ready, willing and able to handle their referrals with expertise and professionalism. THERE IS A REASON THIS IS NUMBER ONE ON THIS LIST. We are a Network - that means we have come together for a common purpose to cultivate relationships and exchange information and referrals. Those of you who are Veterans and Spouses should also contact other Members from your branch of service. The more Members who know who you are, the more business you will do. One word of caution: do not put ANYONE on your standard email newsletter without their permission. Most newsletters are generic and will not do much to impress your peers. Your purpose is not just to keep your name before your contacts but to develop an ongoing relationship, and relationships require give and take and personalized communication.

2. Download and use our logo on your website, business cards, brochures, letterhead, ADs, etc. Unless you plan to be a "Secret agent" make sure all your marketing includes the fact that you specialize in Military Relocation. Include local base information and links on your website and social media sites.

3. Review the Useful Links Page and make sure you are up-to-date on all the latest Military News and online information. You should know what all the pays and allowances are for your area and service(s) and should post them on your Internet marketing resources. You should also be advertising on at least one Military publication - MilitaryTimes.com (or your specific branch of service such as NavyTImes.com), Military.com, your local base paper(s), etc. Be knowledgeable about the current DOD regulations for travel and relocating. Keep up-to-date on current real estate trends through the national information and training websites.

4. Generate OUTGOING referrals. Let your sellers  (and those you want to be your sellers) know you are connected nationwide to the best real estate professionals at their new location. Even if you don't get the listing, you may get the referral. Outgoing referrals are the BEST payday in real estate for the amount of time and energy spent.

5. Make sure you're well-equipped with state-of-the-art marketing materials and equipment. Check our Specials and Discounts Page regularly to see what's new and affordable.

6. Send out a press release that you're now a Member of  the only National online Network and professional organization for Military Relocation Specialists. Your services now include access to the best relocation professionals across the country.

7. Read the newsletters - they provide regular real estate and relocation information you can use to grow your business. Be sure to add our email addresses (info@MilitaryReferrals.com, membership@MilitaryReferrals.com) to your address book so that our newsletters and messages don't get sent to your spam or junk folders.

8. Be PROACTIVE. Like everything else in real estate, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it. There are lots of free lunches in real estate, but rarely free business. Get busy, do ALL the above and you WILL benefit.
1. PUT IT IN WRITING.   Always, ALWAYS make your referral in writing. Whether your referral is within your office, across town or across the country, having a written (and signed) Agreement will assure that your information is properly conveyed and that you get paid when the transaction has closed. If you don't have a good referral form click here and download ours for free (to Members).

2. WORK. If you aren't spending 40 to 60 hours a week - every week - in PROactive work, you are not going to be financially or professionally successful. And don't kid yourself, less than 40 hours a week means you ARE a Part-timer. Expect part time income.

3. ASK FOR THE ORDER. Before you take the listing, or even before you go to the appointment, ask where the sellers are moving. If they are moving out of the area, let them know you can connect them with an expert Realtor in their new area - at no charge to them. Working with buyers? Maybe they own property in another city they would like to sell - ASK, ask, ask! Don't be so distracted with trying to sell your immediate service that you forget to do the easiest part - recommending someone else. If it turns out you don't get the business they contacted you about, you may still get the referral.

4. IMMEDIATE CONTACT.  When you receive a referral IMMEDIATELY send the customer/client an email, call them and snail mail them your card and brochure with a cover letter. DO ALL THREE. If you're sending a referral make sure the customer/client knows they can expect contact within 24 hours and find out what their time and method preference is. DO NOT expect them to make the first contact, it rarely happens. Remember - be PRO active!

5. BE PROFESSIONAL. Have your "stuff" together. State-of-the-art printed materials, from business cards to brochures to presentations to websites, are no longer the exception in our business. They are the professional standard. (Need a custom brochure or other promotional material? - check out our SALES and DISCOUNTS link on the Member Page) Our customers and clients expect us to be at least as technologically skilled as they are. The sad truth is, the average real estate agent isn't even close. If your online skills are lacking, take a class or practice or both. In this day and age, your technical skills should be second nature. The real estate industry is now considered to be at least 50%  technical with more than 80% of buyers and sellers starting their buying or selling process online. If you don't have online technical skills, you ARE NOT a true professional and the public "gets it". You WILL lose business to those who can communicate easily with all devices and media.

6. FOLLOW-UP.  You can't hit a home run if you don't follow through. Keep in contact with your referral Realtor as well as your customer/client. Back in the dark ages when some of us first started doing military relocation buyers frequent response to the question, why did you choose me?” was: "Because you were the only one who called us more than once". Use a contact management program or even a simple paper and pencil form to make sure you maintain regular contact before, during and after the transaction. It's the key to good service and you'll end up with a pocket full of commissions and very happy customers.

7. RE-INVEST. As you earn income from your hard work and professional skills, re-invest a pre-determined amount (we recommend 10%) in your future business. Remember that you are self-employed and every business needs capital investments to continue to flourish.

8. REST. Always schedule regular time off, weekly and annually. You will find that restricting your customers'/clients' access makes them more eager to do business with you and more appreciative of all your hard work. If you don't take time to regenerate mentally and physically you will not be your best during business hours , when it counts the most. And remember, this is what we do for a living - it is not our life. We need to be happy, fit and alert people to do our best work.    

For additional information email us at:  info@MilitaryReferrals.com
Army Relocation Services * Navy Relocation Services * Air Force Relocation Services * Marines Relocation Services  * Coast Guard Relocation Services * National Guard Relocation Services * Reserves Relocation Services

MilitaryReferrals.com is a division of The Real Estate Resource, a licensed real estate broker Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida
Copyright 2004-25, Corbin Publications